Server hosting in Singapore

New Data Center in Singapore. Servers are located in our newest CloudSpace II (SGCS2) Data Center, the first Data Center in Singapore with Tier III level of reliability. Our prices are competitive for the Asian market. You can check it out for yourself:

Setup fee is absent. In case for payment for 3, 6, 12 and 24 months, discounts of 2.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% are provided respectively.

You can ask for other configurations, to do so, please contact us:

Technical parameters of the datacenter in Singapore

Area: Over 14’000 м2;

Capacity: 1500 rack spaces;

SLA: Tier III, the facility certifies by the Uptime Institute (availability 99.982%);

Power: 6000 KVA completely backed up by UPS, 2N redundancy, maximum power 12 MW;

Safety: Designed to meet requirements of the Monetary Authority of Singapore A standalone building. Biometric access systems.

Date of start of commercial service: January 2014