1.1. Customers shall –and shall ensure that its End Users‐ only use the Services for lawful purposes and shall refrain from any use that breaches
the LeaseWeb Policies, the General Terms, the Services Specification, the Support and Service Level Schedule, the Agreement or any
applicable Law.
1.2. Without prejudice to the Law that applies to the Agreement, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Customer’s use –and its End
User’s use‐ of the Services is to be compliant with (mandatory) Law in the country where the Infrastructure is located; and that LeaseWeb
shall be entitled to vary the Service in order to comply with such local Law.
1.3. Customer shall refrain from any use of the Services which may have an adverse effect on LeaseWeb’s good name or standing, or may cause
damage to LeaseWeb’s business operations, or may subject LeaseWeb to litigation.
1.4. Specific activities that are prohibited include, but are not limited to: (i) terrorism; (ii) threatening harm to persons or property or otherwise
harassing behaviour; (iii) compromising the security (or tampering with) system resources or accounts of other Customers or of any other
Internet sites or intranet sites; (iv) violating local export control Laws for Software or technical information; (v) the use or transmission or
distribution of any data or material protected by Intellectual Property Right without proper authorization; (vi) the manufacture or use or
distribution of counterfeit, pirated or illegal software or other product; (vii) providing or offering compensation to End Users based on
download volume, unless Customer knows – or has no reason to doubt – that such End Users are using Customer’s services only for lawful
purposes and for the distribution or dissemination of their own data or material, or of data or materials for which they have the proper
authorization to distribute or disseminate the same; (viii) fraudulently representing products or services; (ix) Spamming, hacking, DoS attacks,
DDoS attacks, DRDoS attacks; (x) defamation, child pornography, child erotica and obscenity; (xi) activities that may result in the placement or
inclusion on a Blacklist of Customer, Customer’s IP address(es) and/or IP address(es) assigned by LeaseWeb to Customer; and (xi) facilitating,
aiding, or encouraging any of the foregoing activities.
1.5. Customer acknowledges that any use by Customer and/or its End Users of the Services in breach of the Acceptable Use Policy could subject
Customer and/or its End Users to criminal and/or civil liability, in addition to other actions by LeaseWeb outlined in Chapter F of the
LeaseWeb Policies and in the General Terms.
2.1. Customer may not (i) send e‐mail that in any way is or may be in breach of applicable Law; (ii) send or propagate Spam and shall not allow its
End Users or third parties to send or propagate Spam via Customer’s IP addresses; (iii) not send, propagate, or reply to Mail Bombs and shall
not allow its End Users or third parties to send or propagate Mail Bombs via Customer’s IP addresses; or (iv) alter the headers of e‐mail
messages to conceal Customer’s e‐mail address or to prevent receivers from responding to messages.
2.2. Customer shall refrain from any e‐mail activities that may result in the placement of Customer or Customer’s IP address(es) on a Blacklist.
LeaseWeb reserves the right to charge Customer three hundred US Dollars ($ 300.‐‐) per hour in consulting fees for any remedial actions that
LeaseWeb elects to take in the event that, as a result of Customer’s activities, LeaseWeb’s servers or IP address(es) are placed in any third‐
party mail filtering software or Blacklist.
2.3. Unsolicited advertising mailings, whether commercial or informational, are strictly prohibited. Customer may send advertising material only
to recipients that have specifically requested that material. Opt‐out mailings are, in view of the foregoing, prohibited. Customer shall refrain
from sending further e‐mail to a recipient of its e‐mail after receiving a request to stop from such recipient.
3.1. Customer is prohibited from posting or transmitting illegal or inappropriate material on or via the Internet or the World Wide Web.
3.2. LeaseWeb is entitled to actively block ports or IP addresses for the Network, in the event that such is – in LeaseWeb’s reasonable view –
necessary to preserve or protect the security and performance of the Network or the Internet or the World Wide Web. An overview of the
blocked ports or IP addresses may be requested in writing by Customer from LeaseWeb.
3.3. Without prejudice to the generality of section 3.2 of the Acceptable Use Policy, LeaseWeb shall in any event actively block the following ports
for its Network: (i) UDP/1434 ‐ SQL slammer/worm; (ii) UDP/137 – Netbios; (iii) UDP/139 – Netbios; (iv) TCP/135 till 139 – Netbios; (v)
TCP/445 – Smb; (vi) TCP/593 ‐ Rpc endpoint mapper; and (vii) TCP/4444 ‐ Blaster/worm.
3.4. If LeaseWeb reasonably suspects that Customer is subject to a DoS attack, DDoS attack, DRDoS attack or another attack that results in an
unaccounted peak in data traffic, LeaseWeb shall be entitled to immediately block access at the router and/or switch level to Customer's
Infrastructure. In the event that Customer is subject to repetitive attacks, and Customer does not successfully take measures to prevent that
future attacks may interfere with services provided by LeaseWeb to other customers or the use or operation of any Equipment, then
LeaseWeb shall be entitled to immediately terminate the Agreement by sending a written notice to Customer.
4.1. Customer is prohibited from posting or transmitting inappropriate material via the use of IRC or to otherwise use IRC in a manner that is in
breach of the Acceptable Use Policy. For the purpose of this section, prohibited use of IRC include so called ‘eggdrops’ and ‘psybnc shell
4.2. Without the prior written consent of LeaseWeb, which LeaseWeb may grant or deny in its sole and absolute discretion, Customer is
prohibited from hosting an IRC server, regardless whether it concerns a stand‐alone IRC server or an IRC server that connects to global IRC
5.1. Subject to the terms of use applied from time to time by LeaseWeb Global Services B.V., and subject to the provisions of the Agreement, and
Customer’s compliance therewith, LeaseWeb shall arrange that LeaseWeb Global Services B.V. will grant a non‐exclusive, non‐transferable,
non‐assignable, non‐sublicensable and royalty free right to use the Customer Portal during the Term. Use of the Customer Portal by or on
behalf of Customer shall be at Customer’s risk and responsibility.
5.2. Customer shall observe each and any instruction of LeaseWeb Global Services B.V. regarding the use of the Customer Portal.
5.3. LeaseWeb shall procure that LeaseWeb Global Services shall provide Customer with a login and a password for the Customer Portal. This
login and password allows access to Customer’s account and Infrastructure and may be used to request support or other Services.
6.1. Customer shall apply an abuse handling procedure which is to be compliant with the LeaseWeb Policies, with the Law that applies to the
Agreement and with any other applicable Law.
6.2. As part of its abuse handling procedure, Customer should make reasonable efforts to detect repeated efforts by its End Users to store or
transfer or distribute, on or via Customer’s services, materials or data that violate or infringe the LeaseWeb Policies or that Customer
previously deleted or disabled further to receipt of an abuse notification.
6.3. Customer shall log (date and timestamp) each abuse notification received by Customer, including the nature of the notification (e.g. copy
right infringement), as well as Customer’s response to such complaint, and the moment that Customer deems the abuse notification to be
6.4. Customer shall maintain the log in respect of each abuse notification for a minimum of two (2) years after the date that Customer deems such
abuse notification to be resolved. Customer will provide LeaseWeb with a copy of its abuse notification log, referenced in section 6.3 of this
Chapter B, upon LeaseWeb’s request.
6.5. Customer shall ensure the availability of sufficient and properly trained personnel to ensure that Customer’s End Users comply with the
LeaseWeb Policies and to apply Customer’s abuse handling procedure and to handle the volume of abuse notifications that arrive without
persistent backlogs.
7.1. Customer shall comply with the policies, guidelines, terms and conditions applied from time to time by the organization or entity which is
responsible for the management (registration and/or distribution and/or giving into use) of an (Internet) domain, such as – for example –
7.2. Customer shall comply with the policies, guidelines, terms and conditions applied from time to time by the organization or entity which is
responsible for the management (registration and/or distribution and/or giving into use) of IP addresses and AS numbers, i.e. the regional
Internet registries of ARIN.